Published by Clever Fox Publishing Chennai (First Edition October 2021), Matryoshka is an ensemble of 100 poems, closely knit and woven together with the thread of creativity and cosmos.
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Dance Of Life
A collection of 44 poems solely dedicated to women of fortitude and ingenuity.
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Interrogating Terrorism
Violence perpetuated by terrorism has been in existence on this planet since the inception of human race.
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Wavelengths of Accord
The book contains papers on different authors ,geographically spread all over the globe
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Texts in Translation
The book looks at the nature of interlingua translation practices within India and locate the significance of parallel texts which address different linguistic and cultural communities at large and provide an opportunity to celebrate culture specificity.
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Published by Clever Fox Publishing Chennai (First Edition October 2021), Matryoshka is an ensemble of 100 poems, closely knit and woven together with the thread of creativity and cosmos. The narrative is constructed around four sections ‘Pretenses’, ‘Silence’, ‘Romance ‘and ‘Siblings’. Individual poems communicate a discrete story, yet harmonize with all others like a whole. Stacking dolls are associated with family and fertility in the Russian culture and symbolize the unity between mind, body, spirit, heart and soul. According to Indian philosophy all matter is composed of five basic elements — panchamahabhutas — which inhere the properties of earth (prithvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha). This collection is about the inextricable bond between Man and Nature, wherein the metaphor of nesting dolls Matryoshka in the title represents Prithvi (mother Earth) and the four sections as elements of the cosmic creation. Matryoshka is a unique collection of poems unfolding the journey of life in its kaleidoscopic forms.
Dance of Life. Poetry Collection. Authorpress, New Delhi 2021
A collection of 44 poems solely dedicated to women of fortitude and ingenuity. Gender is the subtle thread that binds these poems together and weave a parasol.
The title ‘Dance of Life’ celebrates prakriti (adishakti) the cosmic energy, who dances the dance of life in all its glory.
Interrogating Terrorism: Role of Media and Literature. Eds. Divya Joshi and Divya Walia..Yking Books.:Jaipur 2017
Violence perpetuated by terrorism has been in existence on this planet since the inception of human race. Media and literature are the two vital tools of the society which have always worked collaboratively and/or in isolation to spread peace, friendship, harmony and to check terrorism. This anthology brings together articles by eminent academicians and scholars that add to the understanding of role of media and literature in countering terrorism and their attempts towards building a peaceful and secure world.
Indian Writing in English: An Anthology of Poetry. Eds. Divya Joshi and Divya Walia. Prateeksha Publications. Jaipur 2015
The book covers poems by all major Indian poets writing in English from pre-independence era to 21st century. It focuses on Indian sensibility very well projected and defined through a variety of issues in the poetry of selected poets.
Wavelengths of Accord, eds. M.R. Khatri and Divya Joshi, Jaipur: Bodhi Prakashan.2013
The book contains papers on different authors ,geographically spread all over the globe, but it is apparent that their preoccupations are more or less the same. Contemporary responses are significantly different as they offer a revisionary skepticism in respect of the perception of values and social commitments.
Texts in Translation, ed. Divya Joshi. Bikaner: Pustak Mandir. 2014
The book looks at the nature of interlingua translation practices within India and locate the significance of parallel texts which address different linguistic and cultural communities at large and provide an opportunity to celebrate culture specificity.